Alliance Chiropractic and Wellness

Walking Speed: A Key Indicator of Frailty in Older Adults

The relationship between walking speed and health in seniors is a topic of growing importance. Frailty, often associated with aging, can significantly impact the health and independence of older adults. Recent studies highlight how walking speed is a vital indicator of health among this segment of the population.

Walking speed and health are linked. A brisk walking pace suggests robust health and longevity, whereas slower walking speeds can be early signs of frailty. This correlation is crucial for seniors and healthcare professionals alike, as it provides a simple yet effective way to monitor and assess health risks associated with aging.

Research reported in the Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle emphasizes the link between walking speed and health. It shows that a walking speed greater than 1.2 meters per second (m/s) is indicative of high life expectancy and better overall health. Conversely, a walking speed of 0.8 m/s or less can double the probability of frailty in older adults.

At Alliance Chiropractic, we understand the relationship between  walking speed and health, and how important this link is for seniors. We suggest monitoring walking speeds as part of regular health check-ups for individuals over 60. Achieving a target walking speed of 20 meters in less than 25 seconds can be a realistic and valuable goal for maintaining good health and preventing frailty.

Walking speed is more than just a number; it’s a reflection of overall health and function, especially among older adults. By paying attention to changes in walking speed, early intervention can be implemented. Examples of interventions include strength training and  lifestyle adjustments, and are key to preserving health and independence in later life.

We encourage our senior patients to focus on their walking speed and health. Regular physical activity, balanced nutrition, and routine health assessments are vital components of a healthy lifestyle. Understanding and monitoring walking speed and health is a proactive step towards maintaining function and independence as we age. If you have concerns about walking speed and its implications for your health, contact our team at Alliance Chiropractic. We are  here to assist and support you on your journey to achieving your target level of health and wellness. Contact us today, and let us help you walk towards a healthier future..


For more information, visit the source.

Start Your New Year Resolution Weight Loss: Dr. Gavin Morphet Reviews the Cronometer App

As we launch into a new year, many of us set resolutions to shed those extra pounds. Achieving weight loss goals can be challenging, but with the right tools, it’s definitely attainable. Dr. Gavin Morphet, the Clinic Director at Alliance Chiropractic, shares his insights on using the Cronometer app to aid in your weight loss journey.

Cronometer: A User-Friendly Tool for Diet Tracking

Dr. Morphet emphasizes the user-friendliness of the Cronometer, highlighting its easy to use navigation,. He also acknowledged that a key component of the app, its database, is another key differentiator, stating, “What’s impressive is its comprehensive food database. You can easily add your own recipes and track your daily intake, making it a valuable tool for anyone serious about weight management.”

Personalized Goal Setting and Nutritional Awareness

The app allows for customized goal setting based on the user’s biometric data. Dr. Morphet highlights, “Setting personalized goals is straightforward. The app doesn’t just count calories; it gives you a breakdown of the nutrients you’re consuming. This is crucial for understanding your dietary habits and making necessary adjustments.”

The Science Behind Effective Weight Loss

Dr. Morphet points out the importance of a realistic and sustainable approach to weight loss. “I set a goal of losing half a pound a week, and to date I have lost 12lbs. This is only a 250 kcal deficit per day, which I don’t notice because I am not hungry all the time. It is this consistency over time that helped me see results”, he shares. His personal experience underscores the Cronometer app’s effectiveness in helping users maintain a moderate, manageable calorie deficit, and reinforces how gradual changes can lead to significant, sustainable weight loss over time.

The Role of Exercise in Weight Management

Recognizing that exercise is essential in any weight loss journey, Dr. Morphet also observed another benefit of the app: “The Cronometer not only tracks your food intake but also adjusts your daily calorie needs based on your physical activity. This helps in maintaining muscle mass while losing fat, which is crucial for a healthy metabolism.”

Conclusion: A Must-Try App for Your New Year's Resolution

Dr. Morphet recommends Cronometer as an effective tool for those committed to achieving weight loss goals. Whether its a Near Year’s resolution or you are simply trying to lose or gain weight, he believes an app such as this can provide the guidance necessary to succeed. 

At Alliance Chiropractic, we’re dedicated to supporting your health goals. If you’re looking for personalized advice and guidance, our doors are always open. Contact us, and let’s make this year your healthiest one yet!

Happy New Year from Alliance Chiropractic

Happy New Year!

For most of us, the end of a busy holiday season usually signals a welcome return to routine and a fresh start as the new year begins.  Often, it is a time of hope and optimism as we look ahead to 365 days of new adventures, experiences, and opportunities. For the team at Alliance Chiropractic, we look forward to continuing to help our patients achieve their health and wellness goals. 

Our patients are diverse and come to our clinic for a variety of reasons. Whether you are recovering from an injury, looking to maintain your current level of health, or hoping to achieve a new goal, we can help. 

In keeping with our mission to help our patients reach and maintain optimal levels of health and function, we’ve added new online resources. In addition to services available at our clinic such as chiropractic care, massage therapy, naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, and kinesiology services…….we have upgraded our website! Access clinic related information, new patient forms, our quarterly newsletters, and much more. Check out our newest section, the Blog Library, helping you stay current with the latest news and research from around the world. Read at your leisure and whenever it is convenient for you. Our goal is to provide you with information related to topics that impact your health.

For those looking for some creative inspiration as the new year begins, here is a great list from Destination Canada. We also invite you to revisit some of our past blogs to help guide you towards an optimal lifestyle. For example, ‘Understanding the Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle‘ and ‘The Benefits of Daily Movement’ are excellent resources for anyone looking to enhance their physical well-being. If you are considering dietary changes, ‘The Health Impact of the Foods and Drinks Consumed‘ provides valuable insights. For those focusing on mental health, ‘Exercise and Mental Health: Why Moving More Can Lift Your Spirits‘ offers a perspective on the positive effects of physical activity on mental well-being. Start your journey towards a healthier you with these informative reads from Alliance Chiropractic’s Blog Library

As always, if you are interested in learning more or have a question related to your health, get in touch with us. Our team of experts is committed to understanding your goals and creating a customized course of action and treatment plan. We look forward to continuing to support you as you strive to achieve your health and wellness goals.

Understanding the Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle

The holiday season is often a time of indulgence, socializing, and festive gatherings. While it can be a special time bringing family and friends together, it may also be challenging to maintain our usual eating, sleeping, and exercising patterns and healthy lifestyle habits. So what factors are important and how do they directly impact our overall health?

US researchers examined four factors that they believed indicated overall health status – diet, exercise, body fat percentage, and smoking habits. Specifically, they defined healthy behaviours as follows:

  • Diet – a diet score in the top 40% of the Healthy Eating Index
  • Exercise – performing a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate to intense exercise per week
  • Body fat percentage – less than 20% for men and 30% for women
  • Maintaining non-smoker status.

When researchers reviewed biomarkers and asked study subjects about their behaviour as it related to the four factors above, the results were alarming. Only 2.7 percent of U.S. adults engaged in all four behaviours promoting a healthy lifestyle. Given that these behaviors are known to safeguard against cardiovascular disease and may also help prevent cancer and type 2 diabetes, the results are concerning. Just think of the potential burden on health care systems in terms of costs and resources to manage and treat not only these conditions but an unhealthy population in general. The benefits of a healthy lifestyle may not be simply a choice but a necessity.

The Four Pillars of a Healthy Lifestyle

However, there is hope and a tremendous opportunity for improvement. Individuals have more control than they think in terms of promoting and supporting a healthy lifestyle. Let’s take a look:

  1. Balanced Diet: The benefits of a healthy lifestyle begin with what you put on your plate. In the study, a ‘healthy diet’ was classified as being in the top 40% of the Healthy Eating Index recommended by the USDA, and revealed that 38% of respondents ate a healthy diet. 
  2. Regular Exercise: The study outlined a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate to intense exercise weekly. Regular physical activity provides multiple benefits such as strengthening muscles, improving mood, and reducing the risk of diseases. However, only 46% of study subjects were sufficiently active. 
  3. Optimal Body Fat Percentage: Maintaining target body fat percentages of less than 20% for men and 30% for women are important in terms of a healthy lifestyle. Healthy body fat levels are linked to lower risks of obesity-related diseases and better metabolic health. Researchers found that ten percent of individuals in this study had body fat levels within a healthy range.
  4. Non-Smoking: Being a non-smoker drastically reduces the risk of numerous diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Based on this study, most adults seem to be aware of the negative effects of smoking, with 71% of subjects maintaining non-smoker status.

Linking Lifestyle to Health Markers

One advantage of this large scale study was that researchers did not exclusively rely on self-reports from the sample group (a4,745 adults!). They also collected and analyzed biomarkers such as blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels. It is clear that our lifestyle habits are reflected in our physiological function.

A Surprising Reality Check

The researchers also noted that while only 2.7% of adults in the study engaged in all four healthy lifestyle characteristics, 16% had three; 37% had two; 34% had one; and 11% had none. Other findings revealed::

  • Women are more likely to eat a healthy diet healthily and avoid smoking, but are less likely to engage in sufficient physical activity.
  • Adults aged 60+ are less likely to meet physical activity requirements but are more likely to be non-smokers and consume healthier diets

While the link between lifestyle habits and overall health seem obvious, the study revealed that a majority of adults do not adhere to them. More research needs to be done to figure out why. Is more education needed? Are there other barriers such as time, availability, or cost? This study also reminds us that there are links between certain lifestyle behaviours and chronic disease prevention. While 2.7% of US adults may be meeting the mark today, the flip side is that there is a huge opportunity for improvement.

The Alliance Chiropractic Perspective

At Alliance Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic, located in Ancaster and serving the Greater Hamilton Area, we understand the transformative impact of daily lifestyle choices as we strive to help our patients restore, achieve, and maintain optimal levels of health and wellness. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is not just about preventing disease or injury but also enhancing your quality of life no matter what stage you are at. 

Take the First Step

Looking to eat better, exercise more, manage a healthy body weight, quit smoking, or treat an injury, our multidisciplinary team of practitioners and experts can help. If you have questions related to this article or your health, get in touch. We look forward to working with you to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

For more information on the source of the blog, visit Here.

The Health Impact of Foods and Drinks Consumed

Remember the saying ‘You are what you eat”? Most of us understand that what we consume, drink, and breathe directly impacts our overall health and how we feel. Given the holiday season is just around the corner, many of us are likely to indulge more than usual; let’s take a look at what we know about the relationship between diet, overall health, and lifespan. 

The Lifespan-Extending Power of Plant-Based Foods

In the quest for a longer, healthier life, a combination of specific food sources is recommended. A recent study by Norwegian scientists sheds light on how simple dietary adjustments can significantly improve overall life expectancy. Researchers observed that the biggest impact came from eating more plant-based foods such as legumes, whole grains, and nuts, and replacing red and processed meats with plant-based options.

Beyond Fruits and Vegetables

In North America, most of us already include fruits and vegetables in our diets. The study confirmed their importance, noting that including a variety of fruits and vegetables, along with nuts and whole grains supports a balanced diet and promotes overall good health..

Fish, Refined Grains, and Sugary Drinks: A Balancing Act

Fish was also recognized for its health benefits and recommended as part of a balanced diet. Conversely, reducing intake of sugar sweetened beverages (ie. soft drinks) and refined grains such as white bread, were also highlighted as important and simple dietary changes to consider.

The Impact of Age on Dietary Changes

The study also found that younger individuals stand to gain more life years from adopting a healthy and balanced diet compared to older adults. They concluded that sustained positive dietary changes at an early age could add 10 or more years to a person’s life expectancy. However, it’s never too late to embrace the health benefits of improving your diet, and although lifespan gains may not be as significant, they do still exist.

Practical and Gradual Steps for Dietary Transformation

At Alliance Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic, located in Ancaster and serving the Greater Hamilton Area, we are here to support our patients.. Whether it’s working towards a specific health goal or maintaining your optimal level of health, our team of experts will develop a personalized and actionable treatment plan based on your individual goals and needs. If you have any questions related to this article or any other health concern, please feel free to get in touch with our team.

Find more information on what we talked about here

Rethinking Alcohol: New Research Challenges our Traditional Beliefs

Are you questioning the health effects of alcohol on your body? Recent research findings are challenging the traditional belief that moderate alcohol consumption is beneficial. Let’s shed some light on these evolving insights.

Rethinking the Cardiovascular Health Benefits of Alcohol

The notion that moderate alcohol consumption is heart-healthy has been a longstanding belief. However, recent research findings paint a different picture. When studies showing cardio-protective benefits of alcohol were further analyzed, the results were notable. Individuals who stopped drinking due to health reasons were excluded from studies and only alcohol drinkers and non-drinkers were compared, no cardio-protective value from alcohol consumption was found. This suggests that moderate alcohol consumption does not provide any heart health benefits as once believed. 

Alcohol and the Growing Concern of Increased Cancer Risk

There is also a known connection between alcohol and cancer but surveys indicate that people are not aware of the link. Although this appears to be changing, largely due to the recent completion and publication of findings from several major global studies. Aa detailed 2021 report published in Lancet Oncology revealed that alcohol consumption is linked to a higher risk of several cancer types. Notably, even moderate drinking was shown to elevate these risks. The American Cancer Society’s updated guidelines now recommend avoiding all alcohol to minimize cancer risk, reflecting the seriousness of these findings.

Alcohol and Brain Health: A Neurotoxic Impact

The effects of alcohol on brain health are becoming clearer. Recent research involving advanced imaging techniques has shown that even moderate alcohol intake can lead to reductions in gray matter volume and functional connectivity. These changes are associated with memory decline and dementia, highlighting the need for caution with alcohol consumption.

Alcohol's Role in Mental Health

Beyond its physical health impacts, alcohol also affects mental health. While some may use alcohol as a coping mechanism for stress or anxiety, it may actually exacerbate some of these conditions over time. Understanding the psychological effects of alcohol is also an important factor in holistic health management.

The Final Word about Alcohol

The latest research on the health effects of alcohol suggests that the risks may outweigh the benefits. Whether it’s heart health, cancer risk, brain function, or mental well-being, alcohol appears to play a significant role. As research continues and we learn more, limiting our alcohol consumption may be one important way to optimize and maintain overall health and wellness.

Have More Questions?

At Alliance Chiropractic, located in the heart of Ancaster, Greater Hamilton Area, we believe good health begins with knowledge. Providing our patients with the resources and information they require to make informed decisions, is one way we support our patients as they work towards achieving their wellness goals. Have questions about the information in this article or anything else related to your health, get in touch. Our team of experts offer personalized, holistic advice, and treatment strategies to address your unique needs and health goals. 

For more information, visit the source:

The Importance of Vitamin D for Health

Many of us know that Vitamin D is valuable to our bodies but why? Over the past couple of years, mainstream mention of Vitamin D grew because of the COVID pandemic, however, its benefits have been long studied and are relatively well known to those in the nutrition and health field. Here’s all you need to know about Vitamin D, why it’s important to your health, and how to ensure your body is getting what it needs.

What is Vitamin D and Why is it Important?

Technically Vitamin D is a hormone and not a vitamin. Our bodies produce it in response to sun exposure. We all need Vitamin D to help keep our bones and teeth strong, maintain immune function, and help support the absorption of important minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. Low Vitamin D levels may lead to a variety of problems such as weak bones or rickets in children, and osteomalacia (bone softening), osteoporosis, and hormone imbalances in adults. Vitamin D also supports our immune system and may provide additional protection against specific diseases, although research on direct causal links is ongoing.

Who is at Risk of Vitamin D Deficiency?

During the winter months when most of us are indoors and shorter days limit the amount of sun available, we are all susceptible to Vitamin D deficiency. However, certain groups of the population appear to be at even greater risk, including individuals with darker skin, pregnant women, older adults, those who live in limited sunlight regions, and those who suffer from specific conditions (such as obesity or problems digesting fats).

How to Boost Your Vitamin D Levels

Ensuring adequate Vitamin D is necessary for good health in both children and adults. In the summer months, getting outside and ensuring natural sun exposure is key. Throughout the year, maintaining a balanced diet rich in food sources that promote the body’s Vitamin D production, is also important. These include egg yolks, cheese, mushrooms, fortified milk, cereals, and juices, fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, and tuna), and beef liver. In the winter months, Vitamin D supplements may be also beneficial for certain individuals or during the winter months, but always check with your health professional prior to starting anything new.

Need More Information?

If you are concerned about your Vitamin D levels, talk to your health care provider. Our team of experts at Alliance Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic is here to support you, and can help you achieve and maintain your wellness goals so you can be your best self. We offer a range of services including chiropractic care, laser treatment, electric muscle stimulation, kinesiology services, massage therapy, naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, custom foot orthotics, and more. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

 Original article first appeared in Medical News Today.

The Health Risks of Soybean Oil: A Dive into Gut Inflammation

With the increasing popularity of soybean oil in processed foods, a corresponding rise in associated health issues has also been observed. One such alarming association is the link between soybean oil and ulcerative colitis. Let’s take a look at what the latest research shows in terms of the health risks of soybean oil and its connection to gut health.

The Upsurge of Soybean Oil Consumption

The use of soybean oil in processed foods is staggering. In the US, the per capita consumption of soybean oil increased by more than 1,000-fold during the 20th century.

Health Risk of Soybean Oil: The Link to Ulcerative Colitis

A recent study from the University of California (UC) Riverside and UC Davis revealed that a diet rich in soybean oil was linked to a greater risk of developing ulcerative colitis. It appears that linoleic acid, a predominant omega-6 fatty acid in soybean oil, is to blame.

The Linoleic Acid Overdose

According to researchers, most adults require one to two percent of their daily energy from linoleic acid; it is vital for maintaining the body’s water balance. However, American adults typically exceed their requirements, consuming up to 10% of their daily energy from linoleic acid.


This is alarming. High linoleic acid consumption has been studied previously, and earlier studies have shown links between excess linoleic acid consumption and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in humans, and obesity and diabetes in rodents. 

The Omega-3 and Omega-6 Imbalance

In the University of California study, researchers wanted to better understand why. The excess amount of linoleic acid appeared to wreak havoc on gut health, specifically the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids in the gut. In the study mice, this imbalance subsequently led to a reduction in endocannabinoids, crucial lipid-based molecules that block inflammation.

The Adverse Microbial Shift

In addition, the gut microbiome of the mice also revealed an upsurge in adherent invasive E. coli, a potentially dangerous bacteria that thrives on linoleic acid. A bacterial strain closely related to E. coli has been linked to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in humans, further supporting the relationship between diet and specific illnesses and conditions. 

Altering The Dietary Landscape

What can patients do to ensure they maintain healthy omega-3:omega-6 ratios? Cooking with olive oil, reducing processed food consumption, and eating omega-3 rich foods like flaxseed and walnuts are several ways to curb soybean oil intake. Within the field of health care, there is growing awareness that taking care of our gut health is an important step towards optimizing overall health and wellness.

Final Word

Uncovering the health risks of soybean oil reinforces the importance of informed dietary choices. By opting for healthier fats and maintaining a well-rounded diet, we can safeguard our gut health, a necessary component for overall well-being.

Stay tuned for more insightful information on nurturing and promoting healthy habits and lifestyles. If you have any questions or want to learn more about this topic or anything else related to your health, contact the Alliance team. Let us help you define and maintain your path to optimal long term wellness!

Source article:

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Turmeric for Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition often seen among elderly patients, resulting in the degeneration of articular cartilage and underlying bone.  Although traditionally, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) in either topical or oral form have been the most common form of treatment for patients suffering from OA, research shows that other options may exist and should be further explored. Turmeric, containing curcumin, has emerged as a leading alternative to NSAIDs for treating knee osteoarthritis.

Understanding Knee Osteoarthritis:

Over half of knee OA patients who experience symptoms have advanced OA; globally, this figure is estimated to be a whopping 14 million patients. While the condition is more common among elderly patients, abnormal biomechanics and joint pathologies (including stress from excess body weight) can accelerate knee OA, making it a problem among younger patients as well. Over time, individuals who suffer from knee OA experience an overall weakening of joint cartilage and bone. There is a pressing need for innovative prevention and treatment, especially among younger patients.

Conventional Treatment with NSAIDs:

Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs have long stood as the first line of defense against knee osteoarthritis. Administered orally or topically, they combat inflammation and pain, however, potential adverse effects warrant careful monitoring of their use. 

Unveiling a Natural Remedy - Turmeric:

Turmeric, with its golden hue, holds promise. The spice containscurcuminoid, a compound that not only gives turmeric its vibrant colour but is also revered for its anti-inflammatory properties. The evidence supporting turmeric as a gentle alternative and natural remedy for knee osteoarthritis, continues to grow.

Scientific Backing: Turmeric vs NSAIDs:

There have been numerous studies comparing turmeric with NSAIDs, and the findings consistently show that turmeric can be an effective alternative for managing pain and inflammation. Turmeric was found to be associated with fewer gastrointestinal adverse events compared to NSAIDs with similar efficacy, making it a potentially safer option for pain management.

Further Considerations and Future Research:

While pharmacological and surgical treatment options are necessary in certain knee OA cases, the research strongly suggests that a non-pharmacological option as a first line of treatment should be considered. These promising studies substantiate the need to investigate turmeric further. 


Turmeric extends hope that safer treatment options exist for chronic conditions such as knee OA. To read about the latest research, access the source article for this blog here. What has been your experience with knee OA? Feel free to share your stories in the comments. 

If you suffer from knee OA and are looking for support to manage this potentially debilitating condition, get in touch with us. Our team is ready to help you get started. Our practitioners offer a range of services and will work with you to develop a plan that supports your treatment and wellness goals. Share this post to help others learn about drug-free options for injury prevention and pain management.

Source: Adrian Isaza, PhD, DC, DABCI, DACBN, CCAP;

Is there a Better, Lower-Cost Option for Mild to Moderate Depression? The Mindful Way Through Depression

The Mindful Way Through Depression

The incidence of mental health illness appears to be on the rise worldwide, with depression being a leading cause of disability. Research on effective treatment options continues and non-pharmaceutical interventions such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy  are often recommended as a form of treatment for patients suffering from mental health disorders. 

For many, depression looms like a heavy cloud that is difficult to  shake off. A recent study involving 410 patients compared two forms of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: 

  1. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy self-help (MT) vs.
  2. Practitioner-supported cognitive behavioural therapy self-help (CBT)

The findings may surprise you.

Details of the Research Study:

The study recruited patients from 10 publicly funded psychological therapy service clinics in England who were split into MT and CBT treatment groups. Patients received either a MT or CBT based self-help workbook, and were supported by six structured phone or in-person sessions with a trained psychological well-being practitioner. Depression symptom severity was measured after 16 weeks. 

Clinical Outcomes:

Between MT and CBT patient groups, a clear difference emerged. Patients from the MT group saw significant improvements in their depression and anxiety symptoms compared to the CBT group.

Long-Term Follow-Up:

At the 42-week check-in, the MT group maintained superior results in both depression and anxiety symptoms, however, the gap had narrowed a bit. The researchers noted that this could be the result of patients from CBT group having greater access to post-intervention psychological therapy 

Cost Comparison:

Another notable difference was that MT treatment cost £526 less (approximately $886 Cdn) per patient. These cost savings are significant at an individual level and in terms of overall health care cost savings.  


MT intervention not only provided better clinical outcomes but was also a more cost-effective treatment option compared to CBT for individuals suffering from mild to moderate depression.  From a mental health management perspective, MT could be a game changer.

Eager to learn more about the mindful way through depression? Get in touch with your primary health care provider. Many treatment options exist, and our team is available to help you find the right option for you. Share this post to educate others on the latest research, and let’s step into a brighter mental space together.

For reference, original article: