Alliance Chiropractic and Wellness

The Surprising Benefits of Aquatic Exercise on Mental Wellness

Introduction: Exploring the Physical and Mental Health Advantages of Water Exercise

In today’s fast-paced world, the conversation around mental health is more critical than ever. May is Mental Health Awareness Month so it is a good time to remind ourselves to prioritize our mental health. At Alliance Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic, serving Ancaster and the Greater Hamilton area, our treatment focus is neuromusculoskeletal conditions; however, we also strive to provide resources and information to help patients make informed choices about anything impacting their quality of life. Mental health is a critical component of our overall well-being. As the warmer weather approaches, many of us will participate in water sports and recreation – let’s explore the benefits of water-based activity and their benefits on our physical and mental health. 

Benefits of Aquatic Exercise

Aquatic exercises provide more than just physical health benefits—they are also a potent tool for mental rejuvenation. The buoyancy of water offers a unique, stress-reducing environment that encourages sensory calm and promotes mental wellness.

Beneficial for All Ages

In our very first blog, we highlighted the benefits of water exercises for seniors; however, the therapeutic potential of these activities extends across all age groups. Aquatic exercises provide a safe, low-impact option for enhancing physical and mental health, making it a perfect choice for families seeking to improve their overall well-being together. By incorporating water-based activities into play and exercise activities, we can promote healthy fun and habits that support all family members ranging from the youngest to the oldest.

Specific Mental Health Benefits

The positive effects of aquatic exercise on mental health is supported by robust research. A comprehensive scoping review adhering to  PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) guidelines, highlighted several key benefits:

  • Improved Mental Health Scores: Leisure swimmers, for example, show marked improvements in overall mental health scores, notably higher than those engaged in competitive swimming.
  • Reduction in Depression and Anxiety Symptoms: Participants frequently report reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety, with some even experiencing a decreased need for medication.
  • Enhanced Self-Esteem and Mood Stability: The supportive and gentle environment of water can significantly boost self-esteem and stabilize mood swings.

Sample Size and Statistical Analysis

From an initial pool of 1,635 articles, 23 studies met the reviewers’ strict inclusion criteria, including 12 randomized controlled trials. The findings across these studies consistently demonstrated (statistically significant) improvements in various mental health parameters among participants.

Population and Diversity

The benefits of aquatic exercises can be seen for individuals of all ages, fitness levels, and backgrounds, suggesting that this form of exercise is an effective conservative therapy for mental health management across general populations. In the studies reviewed, aquatic exercises provided benefits for those experiencing conditions such as depression, anxiety, mood fluctuations, and issues related to self-esteem.

Recommendations for Future Research

While the benefits are clear, further research is important. Studies should continue to  fully establish the long-term effects of aquatic exercise on mental health. The specific benefits of various types of water-based activities also need to be explored – for example, winter swimming vs. leisure swimming vs. competitive swimming vs. aquatic aerobics likely provide unique advantages for participants.

Have More Questions about the Benefits of Water Exercise on Mental Wellness?

Incorporating aquatic exercises into our lifestyle routines can be beneficial for a variety of reasons including its positive effects on our mental health. At Alliance Chiropractic, we know that your health is affected by social, physical, mental, and environmental factors, and- we are committed to educating patients and promoting lifestyle habits that support all aspects of your well-being. If you have any questions or concerns related to this article or your health, contact us. If we don’t have the answer, we’ll help you find resources that do. 

For those interested in learning more about aquatic fitness, the City of Hamilton offers a range of programs for all ages and fitness levels

Information for this blog was sourced from Science Direct and Decathlon Blog

Sun Safety: Essential Tips for Protecting Your Skin


Here in Ancaster, Hamilton and surrounding areas, we are fortunate to have access to a variety of trails, parks, and beaches year round. As temperatures rise and the days get longer, most of us are likely to spend more time outdoors. Understanding sun safety and protecting ourselves from potentially harmful sun exposure is essential. At Alliance Chiropractic, our clinical focus is your neuromusculoskeletal (bones, joints, and nerves) health; however, we also want to ensure our patients can make informed decisions relating to all aspects of their health and wellness. Read on to learn everything you need to know to keep you and your family sun-safe this season. 

Understanding UV Radiation and Its Effects

With skin cancer rates climbing,  protecting ourselves from the sun’s harmful effects is essential. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation that comes from the sun and other sources. It is divided into two main types: UVA and UVB rays. While UVA rays are associated with skin aging, UVB rays can cause sunburn and play a significant role in developing skin cancer. Both types can damage your skin and lead to premature aging and health issues.

Sun Safety Tips

To minimize the harmful effects of sun exposure, consider these actionable tips:

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of cool liquids (water is best) 
  • Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing made from breathable fabrics to cover as much skin as possible.
  • Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15, and reapply every two hours or after swimming or sweating.
  • Limit your sun exposure between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., when the sun’s rays are strongest.
  • Protect your eyes with sunglasses that block 100% of UVA and UVB rays.

First Aid for Sunburn

Overexposure to UV rays can cause sunburn. While symptoms are usually temporary, the damage can be cumulative, meaning that over time, the long-term health effects may be serious. Watch out for symptoms such as:

  • Red or tender skin
  • Blisters (may develop hours or days later)
  • Fever, chills, nausea, or rash 
  • Peeling skin on burned areas (visible days later)

If you or someone you know gets sunburned, try these effective short-term remedies:

  • Apply cool compresses or take cool baths to alleviate the heat.
  • Use products like aloe vera to soothe the skin, avoiding those with alcohol, which can dry out the skin further.
  • Move to a cool, shaded place.

Recognizing and Responding to Heat Illness

Heat-related illnesses such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion can be life-threatening, and include symptoms such as nausea, headaches, and extreme fatigue. If you suspect someone is suffering from heat stroke, monitor closely and be ready to call 911 immediately if you notice the person has a high body temperature, is unconscious or confused, or has stopped sweating. Heat stroke can quickly become a medical emergency if left untreated. 

Medications and Heat Sensitivity

Some medications can increase your sensitivity to heat and sunlight. If you’re taking medications like beta blockers or antidepressants, consult with your healthcare provider to understand how your medication may affect your sun and heat tolerance.


Taking proactive steps to protect yourself and your family from the harmful effects of the sun is crucial, especially during the warm months. Incorporate sun safety habits into your daily routine to ensure a healthier, safer summer.

Call to Action

Together, let’s keep our community safe and informed. 

If you have questions or comments about the information in this article or any other health and wellness concern, contact the Alliance Chiropractic team.  If you would like to see a particular topic featured in a future blog, send us an email.

Information for this article was sourced from the  Government of Canada, and Travel and Tourism Canada. 

Text Neck Syndrome: How to Protect Your Children’s Health

Introduction: Is Your Child at Risk of Text Neck Syndrome?

Increased screen time among children and adolescents is raising concerns among parents and caregivers. There are obvious risks such as physical inactivity and negatively impacting proper social development but new health concerns such as ‘Text Neck Syndrome’ are also emerging.  At Alliance Chiropractic, we are seeing a rise in patients experiencing symptoms related to prolonged use of technology. Let’s explore what Text Neck Syndrome is and how you can protect your child from the risks associated with it. 

Understanding Text Neck Syndrome

Text Neck Syndrome occurs from the repetitive stress of looking down at mobile devices, and includes a range of symptoms such as:

  • Neck, upper back, and shoulder pain
  • Forward head posture
  • Rounded shoulders
  • Headaches
  • Reduced mobility in the neck, upper back, or shoulders

Left unchecked, Text Neck Syndrome can promote physical changes such as cervical spinal degeneration. Whether it’s for entertainment, socialization, or education, when children spend hours on their devices with their heads dropped forward, there is significant strain placed on the neck area. Over time, this can lead to serious pain and discomfort, and if left unchecked, may impact their development and quality of life.

Epidemiology and Impact

Statistics show a worrying trend: adults and children are suffering from chronic neck pain due to mobile device usage. While the recent pandemic may have contributed to significant increases in technology use, health care providers and researchers continue to raise flags on the risks of prolonged and excessive technology use. Global estimates reveal that up to 75% of people engage in daily activities that could lead to Text Neck Syndrome

The challenge with children is that often their symptoms go unnoticed or unreported until the problem is serious. Some youth may experience dizziness and muscle strain affecting their daily function, but more often than not, symptoms are ignored until they have progressed enough to interfere with regular activity. 

Psychological and Social Considerations

The psychological impact of excessive screen time cannot be overlooked. It contributes to social isolation and anxiety, which can also worsen symptoms. Promoting less screen time and more physical activity is essential in helping children lead balanced lives.

Preventative Measures and Treatments

The key takeaway is to monitor screen time and device use to prevent symptoms of Text Neck Syndrome. Here are some steps you can take to help your child:

  • Encourage regular breaks from mobile devices.
  • Teach proper posture: shoulders back, device at eye level.
  • Set up a comfortable, ergonomic study space.

If you need help with any of the above, talk to us. We can assess your child’s neuromusculoskeletal health (posture, mobility, and alignment), technology habits, and workspace to provide personalized advice. 

The So-What: Technology Use can be Managed

Technology is here to stay – parents and healthcare providers can work together to protect our children from issues associated with prolonged device use. 

As your partner in health, Alliance Chiropractic can help prevent, manage, and treat Text Neck Syndrome symptoms effectively with recommendations and treatment plans tailored to your child’s specific needs. Our team is available to support Ancaster and Greater Hamilton area families. If you have questions about this article or other concerns related to your child’s health, contact us.

For the source of the information, visit National Library of Medicine

Breathe Easier: How Your Environmental Health Impacts Well-being

At Alliance Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic in Ancaster, Greater Hamilton Area, we understand that your health is affected by numerous factors. While our treatment focus is musculoskeletal and nervous system conditions, helping our patients make informed decisions about all aspects of their health is a responsibility we take seriously. Your environment significantly impacts your overall health. #EarthDay2024 is the perfect time to shed light on the critical role environmental health plays in shaping your well-being and how to protect it.

The Link Between Environment and Health

Environmental health is more than just a buzzword; it’s a crucial aspect of your everyday life. At Alliance Chiropractic, many of our patients report health issues that may stem directly from environmental factors: these include air pollution, poor water quality, and unsafe urban spaces which can all dramatically affect your physical and mental health. Each year, millions of preventable deaths are attributed to these factors. Understanding these risks is the first step toward safeguarding your health.

Personal Impact: How Poor Environmental Health Affects You

Exposure to poor air quality can lead to respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and allergies. In Ancaster and the broader Greater Hamilton Area, we have a rich mix of urban and rural areas but air quality remains a concern. It’s vital to understand how these elements can impact your day-to-day life. Here’s an online tracker showing real-time data for Hamilton.

Preventive Measures: Taking Control of Your Health

Improving the quality of your immediate environment can lead to significant health benefits. Here are some actionable steps that you can take:

  • Advocate for Green Spaces: Engage in or support local initiatives to increase urban greenery.
  • Reduce Exposure: Minimize time spent in areas with high pollution levels, especially during peak hours.
  • Stay Informed: Keep abreast of local air quality reports and plan your outdoor activities when conditions are best. For example, the Weather Network provides real time and predictive data including pollen, health and flu, allergy outlook, ultraviolet rays, and general air quality.

Human Impact on Our Planet’s Health: A Closer Look

The relationship between human activities and the environment is a double-edged sword. There is no question that many advancements have improved our quality of life; however, humans have also contributed to environmental degradation that directly impacts our health. 

COVID was an excellent example underscoring the profound effects of our interaction with the environment. Activities such as deforestation, wildlife trade, and excessive travel not only threaten our planet’s biodiversity but also increase our vulnerability to health crises.

At Alliance Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic, we recognize the importance of addressing these global challenges through local actions. Here’s how we can start:

  • Support Sustainable Practices: Whether it’s choosing products from companies that prioritize sustainability or reducing our own carbon footprint, every little bit helps.
  • Promote One Health Approach: Advocate for policies that recognize the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health. This holistic approach can lead to more sustainable health outcomes for all.
  • Educate and Empower: Knowledge is power. By educating ourselves and our community about the impacts of our actions on the environment, we can inspire change that leads to a healthier planet and, in turn, healthier individuals.

Understanding and mitigating the impact of human activities on environmental health is not just a societal obligation but a necessity for our well-being. By taking collective action, we can help support a path toward a more sustainable and healthy future for ourselves and generations to come.

Your Partner in Health: Get in Touch

Your health is our priority. At Alliance Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic, we are committed to providing you with the knowledge and care you need to achieve and maintain optimal health. If you have any concerns about what could be affecting your health, or any other wellness questions, contact us. If we can’t answer your question, we’ll do our best to find someone who can.

Original source of the article can be found here.

Cycling Fitness Tips to Enhance Your Ride

Our region’s vast and varied landscapes offer unique opportunities and challenges for cyclists of all ages and levels. From road cycling on rural roads near Glancaster and Mount Hope or the main streets of downtown Hamilton, to mountain biking in the Hamilton Conservation area and the surrounding Bruce Trail, the Greater Hamilton region presents many opportunities for exploration and exercise. The Alliance Chiropractic team understands cycling related strain and injury prevention. As the warm weather approaches, we wanted to share fitness and preparation tips to ensure patients are ready to maximize the benefits that cycling offers.

Customizing Your Bicycle’s Fit

Why is Proper Bike Fit Important?

A well-fitted bike is not just a comfort—it’s a necessity. An improper fit can lead to inefficiency, discomfort, and even injury. Common issues include lower back pain, knee problems, and increased fatigue, all of which can detract from your cycling experience.

To ensure your bike is as comfortable as possible, consider these important factors:

Bicycle Size: depending on the style of your bike, it may or may not come in standard sizes….road bikes differ from mountain bikes which differ from hybrid bikes. Research your options and ensure you choose a bike that is right for you and your type of cycling.

Bike Frame: while your height is the most important factor when choosing a bike frame, the shape of your bicycle’s frame must also be considered. Is it a parallel, sloping, or step through type? To properly assess a bike, consider the cyclist’s height and the type of frame.

Saddle Details: your bicycle seat, also known as the saddle, comes in different shapes, styles, and sizes. Ensure you find one that suits the type of cycling you are likely to do and what you find comfortable. Also note that some manufacturers differentiate seat shapes and styles by gender – be sure to ask about this if you are shopping around. Seat height is another customizable option, so ensure that your legs have a slight bend when the pedals are at their lowest point.

Handlebar Position: Depending on what type of bike you are riding, you will need to experiment with your handlebars to maintain form and prevent injury. For example, hybrid bike users generally sit more upright so the handlebars need to be positioned accordingly; road bikers use a lower handlebar position; and mountain bikers need to find a handlebar position that allows them to shift their bodies easily and quickly, depending on the terrain they’re on. Handlebar reach is also important to ensure the spine and neck remain in a straight and neutral position. Pedal Alignment: Ensure that your feet naturally rest on the pedals without straining your hips or knees.

Proper Shoes: The position of your feet on the pedals is important. Different bikes have different pedals, and cyclists often wear specialized shoes to ride. Ensure that whatever footwear you choose to ride is appropriate for the pedal size and type; fits securely; and is the same as the footwear you use when assessing the height of your bike seat and frame.

Body Position: Cyclists need to consider both their upper and lower body positions to ensure safety and comfort. In general, try to maintain a position that is neutral, relaxed, and comfortable. Avoid gripping tightly, having to reach for pedals, or straining to maintain your position. It’s not a fun ride if you have to maintain any of those for any length of time.

Fitness Tips for Safe and Enjoyable Riding:

Now that you have a perfectly fitted bike to suit your body and needs, what next? There’s plenty you can do to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Pre-Ride Preparation and Warming Up:

Preventing injuries starts before you even leave your driveway. Implement dynamic stretches to prepare your body for the physical demands of cycling. These include exercises such as leg swings, arm circles, and torso twists to increase blood flow, warm up muscles, and help flexibility. 

Fitness Regimens for Cyclists:

There are plenty of specific exercises cyclists can incorporate into their routine to help prepare for the cycling season. 

Lower Body Workouts: Include exercises such as squats, lunges, and calf raises in your routine. Strengthening your legs not only improves endurance but also increases your power on the pedals. 

Core Strengthening Exercises: A strong core enhances stability and reduces fatigue. Incorporate planks, bridges, and bicycle crunches into your fitness regimen to build core strength.

Upper Body Stretches: Maintain upper body strength to support a correct cycling posture. Regular stretches can alleviate tension in the shoulders, neck, and back, essential for long rides.

Taking it to the Next Level: If you’re looking to intensify your cycling, do it gradually. Consider adding distance or intensity in small increments, to avoid overexertion. Begin with shorter rides at a moderate pace and slowly build your stamina. Listen to your body and take rest days as needed to allow for recovery.

You’re all Set!

Whether your cycling interests include commuting, touring, exercising, or racing, applying these cycling fitness and safety tips can greatly enhance your experience. Our team has worked with many competitive and recreational cyclists, and is happy to answer questions about the information in this blog. If you have any other health or wellness concerns, get in touch. Dr. Morphet and the entire Alliance Chiropractic team love hearing from patients and are here to help.

Source of article can be found here.

Get Outside: Health and Wellness Benefits of Outdoor Activities

Why Spending Time Outdoors is Important

As the weather gets warmer and daylight hours extend, many of us look forward to spending more time outdoors. And why not? It’s fairly common knowledge that being outside is good for us but what exactly are those benefits and how do they work? This article summarizes the positive health effects of spending time outdoors and why it should be a priority.

You may have heard of ‘nature deficit disorder, a term coined by journalist Richard Louv in 2005. Although not an official diagnosis, the phrase is gaining popularity as something that many face today. Modern lifestyles and technology often keeps us indoors or sedentary for longer than is good for our bodies and minds. Taking time in nature can counteract the detrimental effects of physical inactivity and staring at a screen, and unlock a wealth of other advantages that are easily and quickly accessible. 

The Science of Stepping Out: Uncovering the Benefits of Outdoor Activities

A Physical Activity Surge

Being out doors helps keep our bodies moving. Statistics Canada insights reveal that each hour spent in nature significantly enhances our physical activity levels. Specifically, an hour outside is associated with seven more minutes of vigorous activity, an extra 762 steps taken, and a reduction in sedentary behaviour by13 minutes. 

Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Health:

Nature’s serene settings offer more than just visual appeal; they are instrumental in promoting cardiovascular health. Research shows a strong correlation between time spent in nature and a decrease in blood pressure, compared to urban settings. This phenomenon was even observed in those spending as little as 30 minutes outdoors. 

Breathing Easy - the Air Quality Advantage:

Our indoor environments often fall short in providing optimal air quality. The comparison between indoor and outdoor air underscores a critical advantage of spending time outside. When we are outdoors, we expose ourselves to cleaner air, mitigating the risks associated with indoor pollutants—another testament to the health benefits of spending time outside

Mood Boosting:

There is extensive research documenting the positive psychological effects associated with spending time in forests and natural landscapes. Some of the benefits documented include reduced mental fatigue, irritability, and stress. Forest bathing and forest therapy are also gaining popularity as awareness of their associated health benefits, continue to grow. 

Cultivating Social Bonds:

The great outdoors naturally fosters social interaction and community building. This dynamic not only combats loneliness but also enhances our overall social well-being, showcasing another facet of the benefits of outdoor activities.

Nature’s Pharmacy Strengthening Immune Function:

The forest air, rich with phytoncides from trees and soil, acts as a natural booster for our immune system. A study in Japan highlighted a significant increase in Natural Killer (NK) cell activity following forest visits, underlining the long-lasting immune benefits of outdoor activities.

The Antidote to Stress:

Increasing our exposure to the outdoors has been shown to reduce cortisol (also known as the stress hormone), directly impacting our body’s stress levels. Being in nature offers a natural remedy to the pressures of modern life by positively affecting our sympathetic (fight or flight) and para-sympathetic (rest and digest) nervous systems, enabling us to feel less stressed and more rested This connection between nature exposure and reduced stress and anxiety levels speaks volumes about the calming benefits of outdoor activities.

Practical Tips Sidebar: Integrating the Benefits of Outdoor Activities into Daily Life

Incorporate Walking Meetings: Blend productivity with physical activity by taking meetings outdoors.


Outdoor Fitness: Transform your fitness routine by exploring outdoor workouts, such as park yoga or neighborhood jogging. Check out the municipal resources – in 2023, the City of Hamilton provided free fitness sessions over the summer.


Family Outdoor Time: Schedule regular outdoor activities with loved ones, fostering health and connections through shared experiences.


Choose Green Commutes: Bike or walk to work if possible. If that’s not an option, try incorporating a partial walk whether it’s to/from the parking lot, train, or bus station, so you gain some benefits of the outdoors daily.

Conclusion: Embracing the Benefits of Outdoor Activities

Embracing the outdoors goes beyond enjoying its natural beauty – it’s a call to enhance our health and well-being by taking advantage of the physical and mental benefits that being outside provides. 


Start today – take a moment to step outside, go for a walk, or plan your next outdoor adventure. Even small changes can lead to significant improvements in your health over time. And if you need some guidance, the Alliance Chiropractic & Wellness team is here to help. Contact us if you have any questions regarding this article or any other health or wellness concern.


Original source can be found from here.

The Hidden Risks of Artificial Sweeteners on Cardiovascular Health

In recent years, artificial sweeteners have become a staple for those looking to reduce sugar intake without sacrificing sweetness. However, a groundbreaking study has shed light on the potentially harmful effects of these popular sugar substitutes on cardiovascular health.

A Landmark Study Raises Concerns

Conducted among adults, this comprehensive study considered artificial sweetener intake from both food and drink sources. Previous research studies have mainly focused on artificial sweeteners in beverages only. In this latest study , over half of the artificial sweetener intake was attributed to beverages, with the remainder coming from tabletop sweeteners and various food products.

The Findings: A Closer Look at the Data

The study’s results are alarming: revealing a 9% increase in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events such as heart attacks, strokes, and other heart-related conditions, associated with artificial sweetener intake. It is also interesting to note that study subjects were followed on average for nine years. The research findings also underscored a dose-effect relationship, meaning that higher consumption levels of artificial sweeteners corresponded to a greater risk of cardiovascular events.

Rethinking Artificial Sweeteners

This latest study contributes to the growing body of evidence that sugar substitutes are not as safe as once believed, may contribute to weight gain and heart disease. The implications are clear: it is important to limit our intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates, and reconsider our reliance on artificial sweeteners to satisfy our sweetness cravings.

A Call to Action for Healthier Choices

The findings from this research should prompt us to rethink our dietary habits and the risk artificial sweeteners play in our cardiovascular health and overall wellness. Instead of swapping artificial alternatives for sugar, perhaps we should consider why sweet cravings occur and healthier ways to manage them.

How Alliance Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic Can Help

At Alliance Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic in Ancaster, Greater Hamilton Area, we understand lifestyle choices and their impact on overall health. Our team is here to support you with information to ensure you are able to make informed decisions promoting good health and positive well-being.

If you’re concerned about artificial sweeteners and their potential risks, or if you’re seeking guidance on adopting a more heart-healthy diet, contact us. If we are unable to provide the information you are looking for, we’ll help you find resources that can. Our priority remains working with our patients to develop personalized plans that support informed decision-making and choices for a longer, healthier life.

For more information, refer to the original Medscape article here.

Embrace Spring: Protect Your Wrist Health with Chiropractic Care

Welcoming the Sunshine: A Time to Focus on Wrist Health

As spring begins, many of us are eager to step outside, soak up the warmth, and engage in our favorite outdoor activities. Whether you’re hitting the golf course, playing a match of tennis, or simply enjoying a bike ride around the park, it’s crucial to pay attention to your wrist health.

Anthony's Journey: From Pain to Performance

Meet Anthony, a vibrant 20-something who loves staying active. Recently, while trying to maintain his fitness regime from home, Anthony discovered the hard way how certain exercises, especially those involving plank-style positions, can place strain on the hands, wrists, and elbows. His journey to overcoming this pain is a testament to the power of chiropractic care in ensuring wrist health and overall well-being.

The Turning Point: Seeking Chiropractic Help

After experiencing persistent pain during his workouts and daily activities, Anthony reached out to a local chiropractor. A comprehensive assessment led to a diagnosis and customized treatment plan.His chiropractor provided manual care and prescribed therapeutic exercises to strengthen his wrist.

Modifying Movements: The Key to Recovery

Anthony’s chiropractor provided modified exercises to integrate into his workouts to not only alleviate pressure on his wrist but to also help build strength. Exercises prescribed included forearm planks and isometric rehab strengthening. Ergonomic adjustments to his home computer setup were also recommended, further helping reduce the strain on his wrist during keyboarding tasks. Collectively, these recommendations promoted a truly holistic approach to wrist health and injury prevention.

Beyond Recovery: Preparing for the Sunshine

With summer on the horizon, Anthony was eager to return to cycling but concerned about his wrist. Under his chiropractor’s guidance, Athony completed treatment and followed the recommendations, regaining his wrist strength so he could fully enjoy the upcoming cycling season, and ensure future injury prevention.

Chiropractic Care: Your Ally in Wrist Health

Anthony’s story is a powerful reminder of how chiropractic care can address common hand, wrist, and elbow conditions, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, nerve entrapments, and De Quervain’s tenosynovitis. By assessing and diagnosing your condition, a chiropractor can provide a customized treatment plan that includes manual therapy and modified exercise routines, enabling you to stay active and enjoy your favorite outdoor activities with strength and confidence.

Embrace the Outdoors with Confidence

As we ready for sunny and warm days ahead, remember the importance of taking care of your health. If you’re experiencing discomfort (acute care) or want to prevent future injuries (maintenance care), consider reaching out to our team. At Alliance Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic in Ancaster, Greater Hamilton Area, we are here to answer your questions and help you achieve optimal health and performance. We will work with you to provide personalized care so you can enjoy the sports and activities you love. 

For more information, refer to the original OCA article here.

The Nutrition-Sleep Connection for Heart Health

World Sleep Day is on March 15, 2024, and it’s the perfect time to reflect on the critical role sleep plays in our overall health. This global event emphasizes the importance of sleep in achieving optimal health and well-being, highlighting the important connection between nutrition, sleep, and heart health.

The Overlooked Link: Nutrition and Sleep Quality

While a calm environment and a comfortable pillow are known essentials for a good night’s sleep, one commonly overlooked factor is nutrition. What we eat and drink significantly influences the quality and duration of our sleep which can impact our physical and mental health.

The Connection Between Sleep, Nutrition, and Heart Health

Research by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research underscores the importance of sleep on our overall health, noting that insufficient sleep increases the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. Interestingly, the diet that bolsters heart health is also the one recommended for enhancing sleep quality.

Improving Heart Health Through Better Sleep and Nutrition

A heart-protective lifestyle isn’t just about diet; it also emphasizes the importance of adequate sleep. A lack of sleep can heighten the risk of various heart-related issues. Strive for seven to nine hours of quality sleep nightly to maintain good heart health.

The Power of Diet on Sleep Quality

No single food guarantees good quality sleep, but nutrient-rich, varied diets such as the Mediterranean or DASH (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) diets, are known to promote optimal slumber and heart health. Both diets emphasize vegetables, fruits, fibre, and healthy fats – all known to be correlated with improved sleep quality and cardiovascular wellness.

Foods That Foster Sleep

The beneficial effects of a Mediterranean eating pattern on sleep may also stem from the melatonin and serotonin found in foods like nuts, whole grains, beans, lentils, fish, eggs, and fruits. These components are crucial for promoting healthy sleep patterns.

The Role of Meal Timing

Eating heavy meals too close to bedtime can disrupt sleep due to indigestion and discomfort. For better sleep, it’s advisable to finish your last large meal a couple of hours before bed. If a snack is necessary, choose something light and digestible such as a small serving of plain yogurt, a few almonds, or a piece of fruit. These options offer proteins and healthy fats, which can satisfy hunger without overloading your digestive system. Additionally, these foods are less likely to cause heartburn or acid reflux, common issues that can interfere with sleep quality.

Beverages and Their Impact on Sleep

Caffeine, found in coffee and tea, is a stimulant that can hinder sleep when consumed late in the day. Health Canada advises limiting daily caffeine intake to 400 mg (between two to four cups, depending on coffee strength) to avoid its sleep-disrupting effects.

Alcohol's Disruptive Nature

While alcohol might initially induce drowsiness, it ultimately disrupts sleep cycles and reduces sleep quality. Based on new research findings, guidelines for alcohol consumption are currently being reviewed but we know that opting for fewer drinks can lead to more restorative sleep.

World Sleep Day 2024: A Call to Action for Heart Health

As World Sleep Day 2024 approaches, let’s remember the vital role of nutrition in our sleep quality and heart health. By choosing nutrient-rich foods, limiting alcohol and caffeine, and paying attention to meal timing, we are more likely to experience restful nights and contribute to our overall well-being.

At Alliance Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic in Ancaster, Greater Hamilton Area, our focus is on your musculoskeletal health but we are available to help with any of your health and wellness concerns. Have questions about integrating nutritional strategies to promote better sleep and heart health? Get in touch with us – if our team cannot directly answer your question, we will find someone who can. We strive to educate, inform, and provide whatever assistance our patients require to achieve optimal health and wellness.

For more information, the original article can be found on Heart&Stroke.

Check out our Fall 2023 newsletter which featured an article highlighting the link between sleep patterns and Type 2 Diabetes.

Chronic Low Back Pain Management: WHO’s Latest Guidelines

Understanding Chronic Low Back Pain

In 2020, approximately 1 in 13 people globally experienced low back pain, representing a 60% increase from 1990. Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) is defined as pain lasting for longer than three months not due to an underlying disease or condition, and accounts for a significant proportion of low back pain complaints in primary care settings. Given its prevalence and the impact on patients’ daily activities and overall quality of life, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently released guidelines for managing CLBP in adults, emphasizing non-surgical interventions to significantly improve health outcomes.

WHO's Evidence-Based Recommendations

The WHO guidelines offer hope for those struggling with CLBP, advocating for non-surgical interventions impacting the physical, psychological, and social factors affecting their pain experience. These recommendations are designed to be implemented in primary and community care settings, and focus on improving well-being and managing pain effectively.

The Role of Education

Education Programs and Self-Care

Educational programs play a pivotal role in chronic low back pain management, and equip patients with the knowledge they need to correctly, safely, and effectively undertake self-care strategies.

Exercise Programs to Alleviate Pain

Exercise is a cornerstone of LBP management, with tailored programs helping to improve physical function and reduce pain levels.

Embracing Physical and Psychological Therapies

A healthy Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure, and resting heart rate are key indicators of your physical health. Regular monitoring and dietary and/or exercise adjustments can help ensure your levels remain within optimal ranges, and help contribute to your healthy living and longevity goals.

The Benefit of Physical Therapies

Physical therapies, including spinal manipulative therapy and massage, offer tangible relief for chronic LBP sufferers, highlighting the value of hands-on treatment approaches.

Psychological Support Through Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and other psychological interventions address the mental and emotional challenges associated with chronic pain, offering strategies for coping and resilience.

Medicinal Interventions: A Cautious Approach

The guidelines recommend a cautious approach to medicinal interventions, particularly the use of opioids, due to risks of dependence and overdose. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines are mentioned as a safer alternative for pain management.


Alliance Chiropractic's Commitment to Your Health

We are excited to see chiropractor-led input and research options incorporated in the WHO’s guidelines for chronic low back pain. At Alliance Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic, we are committed to providing evidence-based, non-surgical management and treatment for all of your musculoskeletal health concerns including chronic low back pain. 

Helping patients in Ancaster, Greater Hamilton Area, the Alliance team can help you navigate the path to relief, recovery, and maintaining your optimal level of health. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can support your health and wellness journey.

For more information, the original article can be found on